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Last Post 02/12/2014 11:31 AM by  Robert
Create a Google Account
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02/12/2014 11:31 AM

    In order to use services offered by Google such as Analytics and AdWords, one has to have a Google account.

    All Gmail accounts are already Google accounts, but if you would rather not use a Gmail and prefer to use your existing email address, follow the steps below.

    1. Open this page: https://accounts.google.com/signup
    2. Fill out the form, but where it asks for a username, click the link below the field, labelled "Use my current email address instead"
    3. Continue through the process.

    Here at WonderWebs your website will normally have been configured to use Google Analytics from the day it went live. Simply provide your Google account and we will add it to your Analytics, allowing you to sign in and view the data.

